Originally Posted by Professor Farnsworth
If you can't go somewhere without being forced to drive, don't drink? seems pretty simple to me. Or get a taxi/bus. If that's not viable, then drinking isn't either.
This is where the problem lies.. If there was some decent public transport infrastructure (in qld alone im not sure of other states) I reckon alot less people would drink and drive. The simple fact of the matter is up here after a football game or a night out in the valley / city its a nightmare to get a Taxi / Bus, Buses after a certain hour only service a handful of routes, thats why we have so many young people driving around when really they shouldn't be.
You will never stop drink driving.. People take risks unfortunately and that is that, and 90% of the time they get away with it so dont understand or think about the consequences, thats the greedy socity we live in.