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Old 30-08-2009, 04:01 PM   #10
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Join Date: Apr 2008
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Originally Posted by PepeLePew
There are many threads on this forum of these 'horror stories', if that is a appropriate term. BUT....

People being people post when they have problems. They vent. If they receive the service level they expect, they dont post squat, thats business as usual.

If they receive exceptional service, they post occasionally, though humans tend to be more proactive on the negative than the positive. This forum also has that content.

It isnt specific to Ford, one of the most common cars in this country, with one of the most common dealerships. And yes, with any 'non premium' brand where there are plenty of dealerships quality will vary, and you may have to shop around. Or just post a q here and ask, works quite well. But even at those labelled by some, even on this forum, as bad, there are those that have received exceptional service from those variable resources called humans employed at that time at that place. And ditto for the 'good' ones.

Ive had Fords, Holdens, Nissans, Mazdas, Mitsubishis and other cars Ive forgotten. I've had a mix of good and bad experiences with ALL...if I post a bad experience with a Ford dealer here, it doesnt make for a epidemic related to the brand.

I am not a Ford 'tragic', but I accept the realities of what I've bought. Its a mainstream vehicle shoved off the end of a production line with possible inherent flaws I paid a sharp price for, and my experiences arent guaranteed.

I sympathise with the OP's FIL, but we can either start a witch hunt and a bitchfest which is a very internet thing to do, or try and help him find a better Ford experience if that is necessary and he cant work out his issues with the dealer directly.

Id hope he posts soon for his sake the dealer has kissed his rear end in 10 places in apology and thrown in some floor mats. Maybe approaching the dealer principal with his experience will help in the first instance.

No one is starting a witch hunt, most of the threads on the forum about poor dealer service seem fairly resonable to me. If you spend upwards of $20,000 for a product you are entitled to expect a level of decent service regarding that product.

For alot of the problems Forum members have had with different dealserships most of them seem to revolve around the way they were treated and the level of customer service they recieved rather than strictly the issue with their vehicle. Complaints about dealers arise when people find them combative about a problem with a vehicle they have sold which is the last thing anyone in this situation wants to hear.

Let people post on the forum the problems they experience with different dealers and let the members judge for themselves whether they have been treated good or bad. The good dealers will stand up to scrutiny and the bad will fall by the wayside.
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