Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva
Reaching for the violin......
If someone borrows for a car or anything else, then they need to face the consequences... Life is tough isn't it, and only a fool doesn't plan as best they can for the worst case. If you find yourself broke and with nothing in the bank 2 weeks after losing a job that's not the fault of anyone else but yourself...
If you are working full time and 'just getting by'.. then you really need to re-assess your spending and saving ratio....
And if a blown head gasket is taking food off the table... geeze I don't know what to say?
Spent?... far from it.
At the risk of being flamed or banned or whatever - I actually agree with everything that is said in that post. Good on you, Yellow_Festiva, for having the balls to state the unpopular stance on the matter. And it's not just siver spoon syndrome, because I too have had to work for everything I have.
Back on topic, all they need is a GPS chip in them so the loan company can organise a tow truck 1/2 hr in advance