Last Christmas holidays almost to the day i got pinged by a copper coming back home from up the lakes doing 127k in my XR8 ute cost me $170 and 35 demerits,at the time a little ****ed off but took it on the chin (no choice really) though as the copper was full of friendly banter i did suggest we call it 119k so as to go to the lower level of demerits he wouldnt have a bar of it so i told him to shut-up and write the ticket
Today sun was out so off we went up the lakes and on the way home
not that far from last year i get a mufti with discos on
having learnt last year to take no notice of the friendly banter thought "**** it" and ignored the wifes advice to calm down and got out of the Falcon and simply said "what the **** do you want'
the look on his face was priceless though as expected he did recover and explained to me that the speed was unacceptable
having already dug a hole so deep there was no hope of climbing out with any acceptable outcome i said "in the ******* your driving it would be" With no further conversation he simply wrote up the paperwork
Apart from the ear bashing the old girl gave me all the way home i have to say that it was much preferable to last year,same outcome but worth every second of the look on his face at our first interaction.