Intimidated by APIA
To join in on the recent spate of car accident/legal advice threads, sorry, but anyway... I was talking to my sister who's '88 Laser Ghia received a nice little tap at 5am in the morning driving back from bar work in Melbourne, by a later model Commodore. After being verbally attacked by the driver who suffered a bit of front-end damage (1 headlight, bonnet and bumper) and her Laser getting tapped on the driver's side , she left her name and number and left it at that. Anyway, this late 30-something bloke who lives at home with his folks and was driving their car (hence APIA's involvement) is a multi-faceted individual, who continues to contact her, either to yell, demand payment of the excess, quote "Well how about we call it square and you go out for drinks with me (she's 24). Anyway, after a few weeks of sleaze or attacks, APIA has contacted her demanding payment of $6500 in repairs. As she is currently working only p/t, she laughed and said she can't possibly cough up or source that kinda coin. Anyway they asked for any bank, tax or payment details. This is where I come in. I said dont give them anything, refuse to answer calls or comply with their requests. From what she understands, she isn't at fault, and her explaination of events fits that in my mind also. No police reports were filled hence it is her word vs his. At the time she had only NSW CTP, but has since taken full comprehensive. Anyway my thoughts are to contact the person but hope to seek some thoughts and clarification, before potentially seeking professional advice. My feeling is APIA and the man involved don't really have much to base a claim on, and its the old bluff and intimidation tactic.