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Old 16-07-2008, 08:28 PM   #11
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 92

Actually the scientific community is still well divided on the issue.
http://www.oism.org/pproject/ 31,000 US scientists so far have signed a petition against the Kyoto treaty. There have also been petitions to the UN secretary general about the bad science coming out of the IPCC. The only people who are sure about this, are the Media. Disaster movies sell for a reason.
there is not one major scientific study or organization that has concluded that global warming isn't human caused, its only to which degree we have caused it, and to how big the effects will be, that they are divided.

the IPCC might not be perfect, just through their high profile work they are always going to get criticism, but the fact remains, he scientific community still generally rates them as the most knowledgeable organization on the issue of global warming, they are hardly a shoddy operation, they have also won a Nobel peace prize for their work

It doesnt cost the government 1 CENT. It costs us the tax payers the money, and Labour was voted in on a platform of eco-happytreefriends, so the mob has spoken and they are only now realizing what the bill is for services rendered.

using that argument, nothing costs the government a cent, because they pay for everything through taxes.
in the coming years they will pay out more $$$ than they get directly through "carbon taxes" etc
it costs them through pressures that the issue puts on the economy, which was Howard's 2nd big argument for not signing the Kyoto agreement.

anyway like i said, im not trying to start an argument about the issue, its been done to death, i was just merely correcting 2 comments

the 1st being "governments around the world are pushing this crap down our throats and scientists and geologists are saying the opposite." as i said every national scienific acadamy from the industrialised world has supported the theory of human caused global warming

And the 2nd being the fact that the average temperature on earth in the Jurassic period was 50 degrees.

Last edited by swapper; 16-07-2008 at 08:37 PM.
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